SLV Fast Friends donates $2K to Sangre de Cristo HS drum line


MOSCA — Larry Garner, the director of the non-profit organization SLV Fast Friends, made a $2,000 donation on Thursday, Feb. 22, to help support music at Sangre de Cristo High School drum line — Blue Thunder.

Music Teacher Al Duran was excited about the donation.

“We don’t have a very big budget for the music class, so this money is really going to help the classroom and kids a lot. I am excited to receive this donation from SLV Fast Friends and want to say thank you to Mr. Garner for supporting our kids and music,” Duran said.

Garner was all smiles as he handed the check to Duran inside of the music classroom at Sangre de Cristo High School.

“I am tickled to make this donation to the music department,” Garner said. “I was a band kid. I started when I was 8 years old. All through grade school, junior high and high school I played in the band. I have been a band kid forever. I think band is beneficial to kids, it teaches them a lot of skills that they can use. They get a chance to do something for themselves that matters, like a solo or something, too. I am very happy about making this donation, and would encourage others, if they are able, to make one to the school, too.”  

Garner is no stranger to donations and supporting Valley projects. Garner has directed many different non-profit organizations and enjoys helping children succeed.

Garner has lived in many different areas and raised money to help families with children who are ill and terminally ill, with different expenses and things they might need. Garner has also donated money to help 4-H clubs, and the Monte Vista Kids Connection.

Garner started SLV Fast Friends after having another non-profit organization with a similar name Fast Friends. Garner had decided to close down SLV Fast Friends, due to personal reasons, but wanted to make a final donation to a worthy cause.

“I held the event Dragging Main to help 4-H students last year,” Garner said. “I have decided to close out SLV Fast Friends and wanted to donate to some students who could really use the help. I was talking to my wife, and she mentioned the music department at Sangre de Cristo High School.”

Garner said that after talking to Duran, he felt good about making the donation because Duran had mentioned that the department only had a budget of about $300 for the class.

“My kids went to school at Sangre de Cristo, and they didn’t have a music department then,” Garner said. “So, in talking to the principal, the teachers, the superintendent, and hearing about the budget, I figured that making this donation was just the right thing to do. I gave the department a check for $2,000.”

Garner said that he’s hoping that the department can use the money to help the kids travel, and to repair instruments. He hopes others can be “sympathetic to the cause” and help the students in the music department.