Sheriff comments on new info in missing person case


CRESTONE – One year ago July 13, Kristal Reisinger, 29, disappeared from her home in Crestone and has never been seen again. The former Denver resident and mother of a four-year-old girl was last seen at her home according to some but others seem to think the woman may have been seen at a later date.
KDVR Fox News in Denver aired a story on Reisinger last week and provided a few new pieces of information in the case. But Saguache County Sheriff Dan Warwick said Friday there were inaccuracies in some of the statements made by the persons interviewed that need to be corrected.
Shortly after Reisinger’s disappearance, Warwick called in search volunteers, helicopters and canines to help track down Reisinger but the search was fruitless. Later the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was asked to help investigate the case.
According to information developed over the past year by Reisinger’s friends and the Saguache Sheriff’s Office, Reisinger’s landlord Ara McDonald had received reports of “sketchy” individuals frequenting Reisinger’s apartment. There also were rumors Reisinger was on a partying streak before her disappearance.

McDonald was one of the last ones to see her before she disappeared. She told KDVR that when she went to collect the rent, Reisinger was distraught. She confided to McDonald she had been given a cocktail of drugs the night before at a “drum circle” ceremony and thought someone had sexually assaulted her.
Drum circle ceremonies are held regularly in Crestone on the outskirts of town and are known to conclude with wild parties that involve drug and alcohol use. Reisinger was very much involved with Native American spirituality, her boyfriend Eli Guana confirmed, which likely drew her to the ceremonies.
Since her disappearance, Guana says, Reisinger has not contacted him or her daughter Kasha, when before she would contact Kasha twice a day. While he and others want to believe Kristal will be found, that fact alone deeply concerns them.
Later after Reisinger’s disappearance, McDonald went into her apartment and found her cellphone laying on the floor dead – she had left the apartment without it. Food was still in the refrigerator and the medicine she took was also left behind.
On examining her phone, the last call Reisinger received was from a man with a criminal history of drugging and assaulting women. While KDVR reported this individual is the prime suspect authorities are seeking, Warwick warns this is not the case.
“We have multiple suspects in this case,” he emphasized. “The problem is people are saying they know who it is but no one is coming forward.” The drug culture contributes to a reluctance to “narc” people out, he agreed, and those with information also fear retaliation.
“If you have information that is credible, call us so that we can utilize it during the investigation,” Warwick said. “You can remain anonymous.”
Those with any information on Kristal Reisinger’s disappearance can call 719-655-2544.