Community celebrates Mountain Valley H.S. grads


SAGUACHE – The 2024 graduating class of Mountain Valley High School proudly marched down the aisle inside of the gymnasium on Saturday, May 18. 

The first speaker was graduate Riley Heater, who welcomed everyone to the ceremony.

“I got selected to be one of the two senior speakers. Being able to represent our class as a speaker is an honor. First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped, supported, and been there for us, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, teachers, counselors, coaches, friends, and everyone else. Now congrats class of 2024. We did it.  So, let's congratulate ourselves because we just proved to not only us, but also others that dedication, hard work, and yes support, that we can accomplish anything. Some may say that sports are not needed, and it doesn’t do anything for the kids, but personally my coaches have taught me the importance of life. They have taught me how to overcome a struggle and put the mistakes behind me. Life contains many losses and wins. To my classmates of 2024 I encourage you to keep a winning mindset. Mom, dad, I hope I can become half the parent you guys are to me. Thank you all again for joining us today none of this would be possible without you,” Heater said. 

The senior class then offered flowers and hugs to their loved ones for being with them at the graduation. 

Graduates Mason Armenta and Honey Sandoval were then asked to come up and speak.

Sandoval said, “I am truly grateful to be standing in front of you all today. I began reflecting on how many times we have all said, I can't wait for things like the end of school year, spring break or tests to be over. I know some of us are wishing we could go back to Freshman year. If you think about it, there are so many things growing up that we couldn't wait for. We couldn't wait to be in high school, become seniors, and even the big word graduating. Today marks the end of a road, and the beginning of another, there is always so much more to learn, so much more to achieve and so much more to give. Through all the struggles and hardships, we have gone through in high school, we made it this far. Nothing can hold us back now.  I am so proud of every single one of you graduates. I would like my fellow classmates and everyone in the audience to think about my next words, hate has four letters but so does love, enemies has seven letters, but so does friends, lying has five letters but so does trust, failure has seven letters but so does success. Class of 2024, you always have a choice, so choose wisely.” 

Armenta then said, “We will always cherish the memories of this place but now is the time to move on. We have been living with our whole lives scheduled out for us. There is no guarantee that any of our plans will work out, but our class is filled with great minds, and I can hope that once we leave today, we will reach the goals we want to achieve. As a child I always thought that we were never going to make it this far, it felt so far away, but now that we are all here, I am like where did all the time go.  Is this our greatest achievement, I hope not I feel there are many more to come. This is the end of high school but also the start of making our own choices. This is a happy day. Thank you all for coming to join us while we celebrate today.”

A slide show of the senior class followed.

Mason Powers was the commencement speaker. Powers spoke about life and striving to always do their best.

One by one each student walked up to the staff of the school, shook hands, and accepted their diplomas.

The class was then announced as graduated and they were given a standing ovation as they stepped down from the stage.