New Center bus loading plan announced

CENTER — The Center School District in cooperation with Center Police Department would like to try a different location for students to load their buses after school. The school is experiencing some unsafe situations using the front-loading area on the east side of the building. 

Students are crossing through parked buses which creates an unsafe situation. Elementary students are too close to buses as they arrive, and it is difficult for the duty teachers to control the flow of students out of the building and onto the buses. 

There have been extensive conversations around options and one of the options will be tried out on Monday, Dec.18, through Wednesday, Dec. 20. Students who are riding a bus will exit out of the west side of the building instead of the east side. 

Students will make their way to the loading zone and form a line behind one of the poles that has their bus number on it. The duty teacher at 4:03 p.m. will have all students line up and begin loading the buses one by one. 

The school feels this will be a much safer and efficient way to have students get on their buses. Students are protected by a fenced area and a duty teacher can help students get on their bus in an orderly fashion. There are no other students crossing the street to get to their car or walk home at this location. 

If a student is walking home, they must exit through the east side of the building and walk around if heading west through town. The only students allowed to exit the gate on the west side are students who are riding the bus.

Parents: Those wanting to pick up their child, please continue to use the east side of the building. Please do not attempt to pick up at the west side bus location as students will not be allowed out of the west side gate other than to get on their bus. 

Center Schools appreciates your cooperation and the administration is anxious to see if this works better.